Backfilling a foundation is the process using dirt to fill up the area between the new foundation walls and the excavated hole. Before foundation backfilling it is important to allow the foundation walls to cure enough so they do not bend and bow under the weight of the dirt. When backfilling a foundation it is important to compact the dirt as it is filled in around the foundation.
To backfill a foundation the track hoe excavator puts in about 12 inches of dirt and then the dirt is compacted with a rolling compactor. Then another 12 inches of dirt is put in the hole around the foundation and it is compacted. This process is repeated until the foundation is backfilled to the finished grade of the dirt around the home.
This is the rolling wheel that when attached to a track hoe does a very good job of compacting dirt.
A home foundation backfilled and compacted ready for framing.
Backfilling the foundation of a new home is done after waiting 5 to 7 days for the concrete to cure. If the foundation is backfilled too soon the concrete foundation walls will bow in and harden. In the worst case the foundation walls may crack.
This is a foundation wall that was backfilled 2 days after pouring. The dirt was compacted with a roller on a track hoe. The foundation wall bowed almost 3 inches inward but did not crack.