Photos Showing How To Build A Lean To Shed.
Renting a truck to pick up materials.
The finished shed.
Level the ground for the shed foundation.
Shed building lumber.
Floor joist framing.
Leveling and squaring up the skid foundation boards.
Framing rear wall.
Floor sheeting installed.
Framing side wall.
Framing rear wall.
Walls ready to stand.
Frame other side wall.
Standing side walls.
Standing and bracing rear wall.
Front wall header installed.
Start framing front wall.
End rafter set.
Rafters laid out.
Rafters set on finished walls. Sheet back wall.
Rafter birds mouth
Sheeting side walls.
Marking side wall sheeting for cutting.
Install roof sheeting.
Install roof facia.
Facia installed.
Roof sheeting over facia.
Trim installed.
Front wall sheeted.
Corner trim installed.
Storing tools in the shed!
Roofing installed
Painting details
Painting the shed.
Door trim is held back from the door opening.
Moving the shed on pipe rollers
Shed door construction: Outer panel and 2x4's
Shed door construction, inner panel and 2x4's
Shed door construction: Outer panel and 2x4's
Shed door construction: Outer panel with trim
Shed door construction: Both doors installed.
Shed door construction: Prep hardware for paint.
4x8 Lean To Shed complete
Shed doors and floor painted.
Lean to shed with landscaping.