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This short shed plan is designed to be 6 feet tall to meet the height requirements of some HOA or even city regulations. The door on this shed is about 4 feet tall.
8x8 Backyard shed floor framing.
Shed walls for the 6 foot tall short shed design.
Left Rear side of the 8x8 short shed.
Rear View of short shed.
Front of short shed showing 6 foot tall design.
8x12 Backyard shed plans.
8x12 Backyard shed plans.
This is the taller version of our 8x12 backyard shed plans. It allows the shed to be built using a factory built, pre-hung door.
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10x12 Backyard shed plans.
This is the short version of our 10x12 shed which allows the shed to be less than 8' tall to satisfy some cities and homeowners associations 8' max height requirement.
10x12 backyard shed floor foundation framing.
10x12 Backyard shed first wall framed and standing.
10x12 Backyard shed walls build.
10x12 Backyard shed siding installed on shed walls.
10x12 backyard shed with roof rafters installed. Notice larger gussets to allow larger span without a truss bottom chord.
10x12 backyard shed exterior trim.
Backyard shed with exterior trim installed.
Home built shed doors installed on backyard shed.
Completed 10x12 backyard shed.
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