This beautifully built and finished firewood shed was built in North Carolina! It is finished with wood stain and brown corrugated fiber/asphalt roofing! The 4×6 firewood shed stores just over 3/4 a cord of wood! The floor is designed so that air can move from the cool shaded space below the floor and up through the wood to the warmer area on top of the wood and out the front opening. This promotes well seasoned wood and reduces the chance of mold and rot. The front opening is designed to make it easy to access the wood.
The owner/builder said: “Here are pictures from my 4×6 shed build from your plans. I enjoyed the project, learned plenty, and it gave me the confidence to take on a larger storage shed in the near future. Thank you!”
Gordon, High Point, NC
You can find the plans to this and many other firewood shed plans on our site at
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