26x26 Chicken Coop Plans - Cheap Chicken Coop
Our plywood or O.S.B. Chicken coop design can be built for less than $100.00 including the plans.
Product Details: sku (coop26x26-CCLT)
Your Price: $34.99 (postal mailed to you)
Buy icreatables Chicken Coop plans and have them postal mailed to you.
Paper planset and shipping: $34.99 (postal mailed to you, folded to 9x11")
Our Simple Chicken Coop Plans Feature:
- Cost Effective - This inexpensive chicken coop is built using 2 sheets of plywood or O.S.B. and 8 carabiners, and paint.
- Easy To Build From -The plans come in full size 1 to 1 scale. The builder cuts out the plans and tapes them to the plywood and then traces the outlines. Then the pieces of the coop are cut out, painted and fit together. (see the plans example below). The paper is 4'x3'.
- Postal Mailing - The chicken coop plans are postal mailed to you after purchase.
- Materials List - 2 sheets of plywood or O.S.B. and 8 carabiners, and paint.
The 2'-6" x 2'-6" Plywood Shed Plans Include:
- Chicken Coop Plans - Full Size Drawings to be used as templates. They are laid directly on the 7/16" Plywood or O.S.B. and traced around. The shapes are then cut out and fit together.
- Nesting Box - The nesting box sits on the floor inside the chicken coop door. Plans for the nesting box can be downloaded here.
- Chicken Run Plans - Plans for the chicken run shown can be purchased here.

2'-6" x 2'-6" Chicken Coop With Lean to Roof Plans Include The Following:
- Materials List: This is our simplest chicken coop design. The materials for the coop are:
- 2 - Sheets of 4x8x7/16” O.S.B.
- 8 - 5/16” Aluminum Spring Snap Caribiners
- Paint - Exterior Latex
- Slide Together Construction: Our chicken coop is designed to fit and lock together using slots cut into some panels extensions cut into the adjoining piece.
- Tools Needed -
- Drill with ⅜” drill bit
- Jig Saw with wood cutting blade
- 100 grit sandpaper
- Interior Heights - The short side has 12" height and the tall side has 1'-10" height.
- Doors: The Chicken Run door is a sliding door that can be operated from outside the chicken run when a run is used. The Egg Door is a removable door that has two vertical locks that slide out when checking for eggs or feeding and cleaning the coop.
- Openings - The Egg door opening is 1'-10" wide and 10" high on the low side and 1'-5 1/2" on the high side.
- Roof: The roof is made from Plywood or O.S.B. like the rest of the coop. With several coats of exterior laytex paint it is long lasting.
Sample Of The 26x26 Chicken Coop With Chicken Run Plans