We will donate a free set of shed plans to Eagle Scouts who are building a storage shed for their Eagle Scout Project.

To get your donated shed plans we require that you send us photos of each step of construction and a filled out and approved Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. The photos to send in will include the following:
- Foundation framing
- Floor framing
- Wall framing
- Roof framing
- Siding
- Door
- Roofing
- Finished shed.
We will post the photos on our site and social media to help others see how to complete their own Eagle Scout Project.
How To Get Free Shed Plans for your Eagle Project.
- *Email us a Filled out Signed* and approved Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. (We can send you the materials list for the shed before the plans to help you get complete the Project Final Plan )
- Purchase the plans from our site.
- Photograph the shed as you build it.
- Reply to the email you get from us with the photographs attached.
- We will refund your full purchase price.
*The forms must be fully filled out and approved with the Representatives name and signature.
*Email your Project Description and Project Details and Photos to suport@icreatables.com
Good luck with your eagle project!
*You can find a copy of the Eagle Project Workbook here: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-927_fillable.pdf (you may need to use Microsoft Internet Explorer to open it)
Please Note: Icreatables supports Scouting. Our free shed plans for Eagle projects is a non profit program and
meant to benefit Boy Scouts who are serving other people. Please do not try to use this program for any other purpose.
8x16 Score Keepers Shed Built in Pasadena, CA.

The shed was built inside a large workshop and then transported to where it is being used
The shed was modified to have an insulated locking door on one of the shed short walls.
This shed plan was built as an Eagle scout project in Gainsville VA!