Plans by
8x12 Backyard Tall Shed design. Find this plan in our backyard plans section.
Installing gravel bed for shed foundation to allow for drainage.
Gravel spread out and level. Ready for floor framing.
The floor sheeting is installed on the shed floor framing.
Shed wall framing installed. Note the header over the entry door.
The shed roof rafters are installed on the shed walls.
Roof and wall sheeting is installed on the storage shed. Make sure that you install the wall sheeting before the roof sheeting.
Asphalt shingles installed on shed roof. O.S.B. sheeting installed on shed walls to prepare for vinyl siding.
Shed door opening framed to one side to allow better access and storage inside.
House wrap installed on shed walls.
Door installed on shed design. This is an off set double door.
Installing vinyl siding on the storage shed.
Vinyl siding installed on storage shed. Learn how to install vinyl siding on storage shed, it is the same as installation on a home.
Completed 8x12 backyard storage shed building project. Learn how to build a storage shed using our plans and resources.
Plans by
10x14 Shed Plans. Beautiful backyard shed design with double doors.
Installing gravel bed for shed foundation to allow for drainage.
The floor joist and rim joists are set on the pressure treated wood rails.
The floor sheeting is installed on the shed floor framing.
First shed wall is stood up and braced.
The second shed wall is stood up. Larger sheds allow for wall framing on the shed floor.
The door wall and rear walls are stood up. The door wall header is installed to carry the weight of the opening.
Sheet siding using T-11 or LP Smartside is installed on the shed walls.
More siding installed on the shed walls.
Learn how to install siding on a storage shed using our how to build a shed videos and instructions.
The roof trusses are cut and assembled before installing them on the shed walls to bulid the shed roof.
The shed roof rafters or trusses are installed and ready to be sheeted.
The siding and Z metal on the horizontal joints is installed on the gable ends of the shed.
Roof sheeting is installed on the shed roof after the fascia is installed on the rafter tails.
Roof shingles are installed on the shed roof. Learn how to install roof shingles on a shed roof.
The shed is primed and ready for paint.
Completed 10x14 shed plan!
8x10 Backyard Storage Shed Plans.
Batter boards for post layout with post bases inserted into sonotube concrete forms.
Framing the shed floor using joists and beams.
Floor sheeting installed on shed floor framing.
How to frame shed walls on the shed floor.
Shed roof framing using 2x4 roof rafters set on the wall top plates.
Building a shed for charity with help from Home Depot.
Backyard storage shed ready to install door and trim.
Painting a backyard shed plan.
Shed ramp installed on storage shed.
Storage shed plans with venting.
Plans by
6x8 shed plans. Amazing backyard shed design with Custom Built Reclaimed Barnwood door.
Building the shed foundation, installing the wood rails on concrete piers.
The floor rim joists are set on top of the wood rails.
The floor joists are installed between the rim joists to support the shed floor.
Wood floor sheeting is used to sheet the shed floor.
Building a shed roof truss or rafter is done by creating a rafter jig on the shed floor. Each rafter is set into the jig and nailed together using a gusset. This is done before the walls are built so you can use the shed floor as a jig that is the exact size of the shed roof span.
The completed shed roof rafters ready to be installed on the shed walls.
Building the shed walls and standing them.
The shed door is framed with a header.
The roof rafters are set on the shed walls after the siding is installed to make the walls rigid.
The shed roof rafters or trusses are installed and ready to be sheeted.
How to build shed rafters.
Siding is installed on the front wall and cut to the angle of the rafters.
Starting building the shed door with reclaimed barnwood.
Making a shed door using reclaimed barnwood.
Cutting reclaimed barnwood to make a shed door.
Using reclaimed barnwood to build a door.
The shed door ready to be installed.
Hanging the Shed Door on the backyard storage shed plan.
Plans by
10x12 shed plans. Beautiful backyard shed design with eve overhangs and lap siding. Home built doors.
Floor framing with sheeting installed for backyard shed.
The shed roof trusses are built on the shed floor before the walls are framed.
The walls for the shed were framed and temporarily stabilized using cross bracing.
The end trusses are stood up first and braced to help aligning the roof trusses in between.
All the roof trusses stood and gable overhangs framed on shed plan.
The completed storage shed.
Plans by
8x10 Backyard shed plans built with a home built door to the standard 6'-8" height. The door was modified to fit a windows. T1-11 siding installed.
Plans by
8x12 Backyard shed plans. Amazing well detailed 8x12 backyard shed. Built with lap siding, window and cupola on the roof.
Plans by
8x12 Backyard shed plans.
This is the taller version of our 8x12 backyard shed plans. It allows the shed to be built using a factory built, pre-hung door.
Plans by
Plans by
12x12 Backyard shed plans.
This is the 7'-7" tall version of our 12x12 shed. It was beautifully built. This shed has home built doors that are about 6'x6'. It also had a roof ridge vent installed.
12x12 backyard shed wall framing!
Shed walls stood up. The last wall will be framed and installed before the roof framing is put on.
12x12 Backyard shed roofing installed with ridge vent. The shed is ready to have the doors installed.
Shed doors installed and the shed is ready to be painted.
Plans by
Plans by
10x12 Backyard shed plans.
This is the short version of our 10x12 shed which allows the shed to be less than 8' tall to satisfy some cities and homeowners associations 8' max height requirement.
10x12 backyard shed floor foundation framing.
10x12 Backyard shed first wall framed and standing.
10x12 Backyard shed walls build.
10x12 Backyard shed siding installed on shed walls.
10x12 backyard shed with roof rafters installed. Notice larger gussets to allow larger span without a truss bottom chord.
10x12 backyard shed exterior trim.
Backyard shed with exterior trim installed.
Home built shed doors installed on backyard shed.
Completed 10x12 backyard shed.
Plans by
Plans by
12x16 Backyard shed with sliding barn doors installed. The doors overlap 3 inches on each side and top and 1 inch on the bottom.
12x16 Backyard shed wood floor joist framing and concrete block foundation.
12x16 Backyard shed floor sheeting on floor framing.
12x16 Backyard shed 2x4 wall framing.
Shed rafters (trusses) built and ready to install.
12x16 Backyard shed walls sheeting with o.s.b.. Roof rafters and fascia installed.
12x16 Backyard shed vapor barrier installed, ready for vinyl siding!
Installing vinyl siding on 12x16 backyard shed.
Close up of vinyl siding installed on corner.
Barn door hardware installed above shed door opening. Ready for hanging shed doors.
Sliding barn doors installed on shed by hanging them on the barn door hardware.
Rear view of completed 12x16 backyard shed with vinyl siding.
Completed hanging barn doors on shed build. Plans by
12x12 Backyard Shed. Plans by
12x12 Backyard shed with ramp installed at home built shed doors
12x12 Backyard shed roofing installed. Treated wood rail foundation.
12x12 Backyard shed siding installed and painted.
8x8 Backyard Shed. Plans by
8x12 Backyard shed walls framed.
8x8 Backyard shed walls stand framing.
8x8 Backyard shed door header framing, walls completed
8x8 Backyard shed siding install start.
8x8 backyard shed siding installed.
8x8 backyard shed roofing installed.
8x12 Backyard Shed. Plans by
8x12 Backyard shed floor framing.
8x12 Garden shed wall framing
8x12 Backyard shed roofing install
8x12 Backyard shed ramp
8x10 Backyard Shed Front Elevation
8x10 Backyard Shed Concrete Floor
8x10 Backyard Shed Wall Frame
8x10 Backyard Shed Siding Install
8x10 Backyard Shed Fascia
8x10 Backyard Shed Pathway
8x10 Backyard Shed Pavers
8x10 Backyard Shed Roofing Install
8x10 Backyard Shed Drywall Install
8x10 Backyard Shed Drywall Tape
8x10 Backyard Shed Interior Finish
8x10 Backyard Shed Front Elevation
10x12 Gable Shed Plans built in Sarasota, Florida
10x12 backyard shed plans excavation
10x12 backyard shed plans floor joists
10x12 backyard shed plans floor sheet
10x12 gable shed plans walls frame
10x12 backyard shed plans siding install
10x12 backyard shed plans roof install
10x12 backyard shed plans doors install
10x12 backyard shed plans front elevation
8x12 Backyard shed completed in Ontario
8x12 Backyard shed plans floor framing on concrete piers
8x12 Backyard shed start wall framing.
8x12 Backyard shed how to frame walls and door openings.
8x12 Backyard shed completed in Ontario
8x12 Backyard shed completed in Ontario
16x24 backyard shed plans front side with double door and window.
16x24 shed wall framing, floor and walls
16x24 backyard shed design setting roof trusses.
10x14 Backyard shed with custom windows in home built doors.
10x14 Backyard shed plans door framing interior.
10x14 shed plans roof framing.
Storage shed anchor to ground.
10x14 Backyard shed rear view.
Shed Plans gable truss with gable vent opening.
Backyard shed gable vent interior view.
Backyard shed plans window installed, interior view.
12x16 Backyard shed with porch.
8x8-G Backyard Gable Shed by
8x8 Backyard shed built foundation framing.
8x8 Backyard shed floor joist framing.
Storage shed floor attachment to foundation.
8x8 Backyard shed wall framing.
8x8 Backyard shed door opening build.
8x8 Backyard shed siding installed.
8x8 Backyard shed roof rafters installed on shed walls.
8x8 Backyard shed roof sheeting.
Backyard storage shed roofing install.
Backyard shed painting exterior of storage shed.
8x10 Backyard shed plans by
Backyard shed plans with shake and lap siding.