10x10 Corner Backyard Shed Plans by iCreatables.com
Layout shed foundation. The rails are pressure treated and the joists span from side to side.
The corner shed walls are framed on the floor.
The hip roof rafters installed on the shed.
Closeup of the hip roof framing.
Roofing installed on the 5 sided corner shed plan.
10x10 corner shed ready for doors.
Deck stained on front of shed.
The 5 sided corner shed completed shed with interior finished.
10x10 Hip Roof Corner Backyard Shed Plans by iCreatables.com
Layout shed foundation. Pressure treated lumber is rated for ground contact.
Laying out the floor joists for the shed.
Installing floor sheeting on 10x10 shed plan.
Layout and framing of storage shed walls.
Corner shed plans wall plates ready to have walls framed.
10x10 corner shed walls framed and sheeted.
Roof hip rafters installed on corner 5 sided shed plan.
Looking up at the roof framing. The main truss is the one with the collar beam on it. All the others tie into it.
Hip roof framing. Jack rafters attached to hip rafters at corner.
Hip roof with jack rafters installed.
Installing roofing on 10x10 backyard shed design.
Installing corners for backyard shed siding.
Shed siding installed on 10x10 backyard corner shed.
10x10 Hip Roof Corner Backyard Shed Plans by iCreatables.com
Excavate area to place shed foundation.
Install gravel bed for treated shed floor joists to sit on top of.
Shed flooring sheeting.
Framing 5 sided corner shed walls.
5 sided corner shed framed with window installed and roof rafters installed.
5 sided corner shed roof sheeted.
Installing 5 sided back yard corner shed doors.
Completed 5 sided corner shed.